Why Study Philosophy?

Why Study Philosophy?

As an answer, the University of Detroit's Philosophy Club posted the following points. What do you make of it? and let me know.

Why Major in Philosophy?

  • Philosophy is one of the most practical majors in college. 
  • Philosophy imparts skills that will be valued by any future employer.
  • Philosophy enhances your problem-solving capacities by contributing to your ability to organize ideas and issues, and to extract what is essential from masses of information.
  • Philosophy helps you to distinguish between different viewpoints and to discover common ground among them.
  • Philosophy helps you to appreciate a variety of perspectives so they can be synthesized into a unified whole.
  • Philosophy helps to eliminate ambiguities and vagueness from your speech, and enables you to present what is distinctive about your position through the use of systematic argumentation.
  • Philosophy develops your ability to explain and communicate difficult material.
  • Philosophy enhances your persuasive powers by providing training in the construction of clear formulations, good arguments, and apt examples that allow you to forcefully articulate and defend your points of view.
  • Philosophy teaches good interpretive, comparative, argumentative, and descriptive writing skills that will allow you to communicate ideas in a clear and powerful way.
  • Philosophy is uniquely well-suited to preparing students for law school.
  • Philosophy teaches you to think analytically, to write and speak clearly and persuasively, to evaluate evidence, to construct and present sound arguments, to recognize flaws in opposing arguments, and to have a deep sense of justice—skills which are essential to the legal profession.
  • Philosophy majors consistently outperform other majors on the LSAT.1
  • Philosophy majors are among the top three performing undergraduate majors on the LSAT.2
  • Philosophy is one of the best ways into graduate or medical school.
  • Philosophy’s lessons of analytical thinking, clear expression, and good writing are indispensable to the graduate student in any discipline.
  • Philosophy’s lessons of the rational evaluation of evidence, analytical problem-solving, isolating the essential elements from complex bodies of data, and thinking in a holistic manner are skills essential to anyone entering the medical profession.
  • Philosophy majors perform substantially better than the national average on the GRE and the GMAT.3
  • Philosophy majors are among the highest performers on both the LSAT and GMAT.4
  • Philosophy majors are one of only two undergraduate majors among the humanities and social sciences to perform significantly higher than the national average on the quantitative portion of the GRE.5
  • Philosophy majors are the highest performers on the verbal portion of the GRE.6
  • Philosophy’s critical skills offer the best defense against foolishness and falsehoods.
  • Philosophy allows you to see through cultural and intellectual fads.
  • Philosophy protects you from the often empty posturing of politicians.
  • Philosophy insulates you from the often inane prattling of media pundits and commentators.
  • Philosophy defends you from the slippery claims of advertisers and salespeople.
  • Philosophy protects you from foolish opinions and everyday nonsense.
  • Philosophy is one of the best ways of enriching your life, even as it prepares you for life.
  • Philosophy broadens the range of things that you can understand and enjoy.
  • Philosophy makes a substantial contribution to your expressive powers.
  • Philosophy enhances your self-knowledge, foresight, and sense of direction in life.
  • Philosophy provides special pleasures of insight to your reading and conversation.
  • Philosophy can lead to self-discovery, an expansion of consciousness, and self-renewal.
  • Philosophy nurtures individuality and self-esteem.
  • Philosophy brings you into contact with the most important and fundamental human questions.
  • Philosophy helps you to live a more fully human life by demanding that you confront these questions.

Why did you choose Philosophy as your major? What's the harm? What is your special motivation for pursuing it as a major?


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